Logo of the podcast The Good Life with Michele Lamoureux

The Good Life with Michele Lamoureux (Michele Lamoureux)

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A show for midlife women who want to live happier, healthier, and more meaningful lives. Women who are ready to prioritize themselves and their dreams. If you are ready to get off the sidelines of your life to play the starring role, tune in for free content every week. You'll learn from world-class experts, authors, entrepreneurs, and solocasts. This podcast covers it all — health, relationships, friendships, career, fashion, spirituality, purpose, midlife reinvention, entrepreneurship, menopause, and more. I go deep with my guests to extract the most value for your time, but keep it light-hearted and entertaining. You'll feel like you are sitting with a good friend over a cup of your favorite beverage. There are actionable tips in every episode. If you are a curious soul who loves learning and is committed to personal development, this is the show for you! I'm a best-selling author and certified life coach committed to helping you design a life you love. Visit the to join our community. I'm so glad you're here! xo, Michele
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  • Education
  • Health & Fitness


349 episodes
6 days
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