Logo of the podcast Heart Doc VIP with Dr. Joel Kahn

Heart Doc VIP with Dr. Joel Kahn (Dr. Joel Kahn)

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Join Dr. Joel Kahn, the internationally recognized heart doctor, as he brings his unique blend of Eastern and Western medicine to Heart Doc VIP, the podcast that empowers you to take charge of your health. With a focus on the wellness of mind, body, and spirit, Dr. Kahn delves into the latest research and interviews leading experts in the health and wellness space, including Health Heroes who share their inspiring journeys to wellness. Each episode of Heart Doc VIP provides listeners with practical advice and tools to help them live their best lives. Dr. Kahn doesn't shy away from controversial topics and is not afraid to take on the giants and expose lies, follies, and confusion in the health industry. With his extensive knowledge and experience, he guides listeners through the maze of conflicting information to help them make informed decisions about their health. So if you're ready to feel better, look better, and live better, join Dr. Joel Kahn on Heart Doc VIP, the podcast that's changing the way we think about health and wellness.
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  • Health & Fitness


407 episodes
7 days
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