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The $100 MBA Show (Omar Zenhom)

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Yes, you can start your own business. And no, you don’t need an expensive degree (or the debt that comes with it). You also don’t need to: Take out a loan Quit your job (right away) Risk your financial stability You just need a little guidance, and the habits it takes to follow through. On The $100 MBA Show, we share the practical, on-the-ground strategies and skills you need to turn your business idea into the future you want. Host Omar Zenhom is a road-tested entrepreneur, business coach, and software developer. He’s bootstrapped two multi-million dollar businesses (and several smaller businesses, too). Join us for short, actionable lessons on how to do everything from validating your idea, to audience-building and marketing, to sales and reinvestment, and much, much more—all with the bare-minimum resources available to your average working person. Check us out on YouTube at Free resources and more at
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  • Business
  • Business
  • Business


2000 episodes
1 day
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