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Stay Off My Operating Table (Dr. Philip Ovadia)

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I was a morbidly obese heart surgeon.  Throughout high school, college, med school and surgical training, I followed the U.S. dietary guidelines for both diet and exercise.  Yet nothing I did kept the weight off.  I just kept getting bigger and bigger.

Each day in the operating theater I would split open the chests of people just like me. I knew I was heading for the operating table myself if I didn't find solutions that worked.

In 2016, I finally found a way to lose 100 pounds and keep it off.

Now - in addition to doing heart surgery - I work to help people just like me get healthy, lose the weight and keep it off. I'm Dr. Philip Ovadia, the rebel M.D. and cardiac surgeon who is working to keep people off my operating table.
Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from Dr. Philip Ovadia.

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  • Health & Fitness
  • Health & Fitness
  • Health & Fitness


180 episodes
7 days
Episodes published by month in

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