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Speaking With Confidence (Tim Newman)

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Are tired of feeling nervous and anxious every time you have to speak in public, or if you want to captivate your audience, whether it's a room full of people or just a small gathering of friends or even make the sale, you've come to the right place. In this podcast, we'll dive deep into the art and science of public speaking. We'll explore techniques to overcome stage fright, master the art of storytelling, and develop the charisma and confidence you need to leave a lasting impression on any audience. In each episode, we'll bring you expert interviews, real-life success stories, and practical tips that you can apply immediately. Whether you're a professional looking to nail that important presentation, a student preparing for a speech, or just someone who wants to improve their communication skills, "Speaking with Confidence" has something for everyone.

Want to be a guest on Speaking With Confidence? Send Tim Newman a message on PodMatch, here:

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  • Business
  • Business
  • Education


24 episodes
15 days
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