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Fallen angels. Ancient giants. Demons and monsters. Did giants once rule the earth? Did demigods and monsters like those of Greek mythology actually exist and were worshiped or feared by humankind? And if there’s evidence that supernatural beings are real, what does it mean for us today, for the future, and for the end of the world? Jesus said, ”As in the days of Noah, so it will be when I return.” Join brothers Luke and Pete Ohlinger as they dive into the historical, the biblical, the supernatural. The Days of Noah Podcast. Uncovering the past. Connecting the present. Discerning the future. All of us must choose a side in this life- Jesus Christ The Infinite, or an inferior and finite god. Choose wisely! The consequences of this choice will last for all eternity. #twopointfivepercent
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136 episodes
6 days
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