Not Today Cancer (Jen Delvaux)
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Welcome to Not Today Cancer
Their mission is to inspire and empower those who have been affected by cancer. Darren's diagnosis of brain cancer in 2009 and Jens breast cancer diagnosis in 2021 may seem like a crazy coincidence, but it's given them a unique perspective on the challenges and triumphs of living with cancer. Through their own experiences, they have emerged stronger and more determined to help others facing a similar journey.
As beacons of hope, they are committed to shining a light for those navigating the difficult path of cancer. They know firsthand the fear, uncertainty, and pain that come with a cancer diagnosis, and they want to guide others through this journey towards a place of strength and resilience. Their mission is to show that, despite the challenges, it's possible to Reset & Rise and emerge from this experience as better, more empowered individuals.
- Health & Fitness
386 episodes
6 days
Episodes published by month in
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