Logo of the podcast Dr. Ruscio Radio, DC: Health, Nutrition and Functional Healthcare

Dr. Ruscio Radio, DC: Health, Nutrition and Functional Healthcare (Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC)

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Clinician, researcher, and gut-geek Dr. Michael Ruscio DC covers the ever-changing world of functional health science. From debunking trends to research deep dives to practical takeaways, Dr. Ruscio DC Radio is health science made digestible. These [podcasts] are educational and informational only and are not medical, chiropractic, psychological, or other professional advice of any kind. They do not create or constitute any professional relationship between us and you. Always consult your licensed healthcare providers and never disregard or delay obtaining medical advice based on information in our [podcast]. Please review our full terms of use and disclaimers posted on our Website at
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  • Health & Fitness


851 episodes
4 days
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