Logo of the podcast Delicious City Philly

Delicious City Philly (Eli Kulp)

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Delicious City Philly is the top-rated food and restaurant podcast in the Philadelphia area. Our show is 3 hungry people - Eli Kulp, Marisa Magnatta and Dave Wez - all with different palates, but one thing in common: we LOVE the taste of Philly, and there's a lot to love in this city of ours. We explore outside of the city limits, too, from down the Jersey shore to Pennsylvania Dutch country and everywhere in between. Every other Monday you'll get the latest food news, our Best Bites, and the scoop on area restaurants and bars. Plus, we sit down with the people who are making waves in this scene and bring their stories straight to you. Follow the show on Instagram: @deliciouscitypodcast
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100 episodes
12 days
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