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For over 25 years, Rock ’n’ Roll Fantasy Camp has been breaking down the barriers to rockstar access. You've seen it depicted on TV shows like The Simpsons, Pawn Stars, and Billions, or followed the journey via the successful documentary Rock Camp on Amazon Prime, Peacock, and other streamers. Finally, you can step inside this unparalleled music experience from the convenience of your favorite podcast platform! Welcome to Rock Camp: The Podcast, your exclusive gateway to the heart of Rock ’n’ Roll Fantasy Camp. In each episode, we unlock the vault of unheard content spanning over two decades, with captivating interviews and stories from icons like Joe Walsh of The Eagles, Roger Daltrey of The Who, Gene Simmons of KISS, and more! Meet campers from diverse backgrounds whose fantasies turned into realities— imagine a businessman trades licks with Joe Perry from Aerosmith and ends up opening for them at stadiums. Or a family band comes to camp and convinces legends from Black Sabbath and Whitesnake to play on their debut album. These things happen, but only at Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy Camp. From firsthand tales by music legends, to true camp stories from founder David Fishof, alongside industry insights from Rock Camp Musical Director Britt Lightning of Vixen, and tied all together by master of ceremonies, Miles Schuman. Rock Camp: The Podcast is the only way to enter the world of Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy Camp without actually being at camp. It’s better than a backstage pass. Proud part of Pantheon Podcasts.
- Music
50 épisodes
7 jours
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