Logo of the podcast The Chosen People with Yael Eckstein

The Chosen People with Yael Eckstein

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Welcome to The Chosen People podcast with Yael Eckstein, a transformative podcast experience that invites you to delve deep into the heart of the Old Testament’s timeless stories and commandments.

Join Yael Eckstein and The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews for 260 episodes of captivating storytelling enriched by the wisdom and beauty of God’s story.

Each episode of "The Chosen People" is a journey through the Old Testament, narrated with passion and insight. We'll explore the rich narratives, from the Creation to the giving of the rise of King David and the prophecies of a Messiah to come.

Our captivating storytelling will be complete with contemplative and insightful explorations into what it means to struggle with our faith and press on in our journey through life. Here, we'll delve into the complexities and wisdom of God’s commandments, uncovering their relevance and power in our modern lives.

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  • Religion & Spirituality
Omny Studio
39 épisodes
2 jours

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