Logo of the podcast House of Joy- Christian Life Coaching, Positive Mindset, Thriving Relationships, Healthier Habits

House of Joy- Christian Life Coaching, Positive Mindset, Thriving Relationships, Healthier Habits

Dr. Edie Wadsworth

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Welcome to House of JOY, the Go-to podcast for personal growth tips for christian women over 40 (& their daughters), who want to live with a positive mindset, thriving relationships, & healthier habits. Are you tired of feeling stuck in the same old cycles & routines with your relationships, your habits, & your negative thought patterns? Do you just want to feel better? Do you desperately desire to finish each day with that deep sense of purpose and fulfillment, but you find yourself disappointed in how you spent your time? I’m so excited you’re here! Learn how to let go of what’s keeping you stuck and create a life you’re obsessed with. It’s way easier than you think to create a resilience mindset, nourishing habits, & thriving relationships, so that you can unleash your amazing gifts on the world. Let us help you live as your true self & create your best days, no matter what stage of life you’re in. Hello, dear one! I am Dr. Edie Wadsworth, your favorite Christian life coach! I help women who want to build mental and emotional resilience and rewrite their stories so they can live with more joy, freedom, and purpose! I am a speaker, physician, life coach, best-selling author, and creator of LIFE MENTORING SCHOOL where I help thousands of women rewrite their stories and live with more passion and intention. This show features solo episodes with myself (Dr. Edie) on how to make true change in your life and heart to heart conversations with my daughter Emme as we dare to make JOY and connection our goal.. We chat about all the ways we’re growing (and sometimes struggling) in life, health, home, relationships, habits, style, and so much more. You'll also find inspiring interviews with some of our favorite people who are doing the same.
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  • Religion & Spirituality
  • Education
  • Health & Fitness
186 épisodes
8 jours

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