Logo of the podcast Tarot for the Modern Reader

Tarot for the Modern Reader


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Tarot for the Modern Reader is for aspiring or seasoned tarotists who want to learn the tips and tricks for great readings. Whether you’re reading for yourself or others, you’ll learn actionable steps so that you can confidently read tarot in today’s modern world. Liza will teach you practical techniques you can use in your readings to not only help you understand the tarot better, but to also help you interpret your readings better, so that you can get real answers, for real people, including yourself, in real life situations. You’ll learn methods for reading for personal development, guidance or prediction. Liza believes you can use the tarot to work with your highest self for personal or spiritual development, but also to give you and those around you guidance on everyday decisions, to predict an outcome, or simply to gain new information on a situation. She is also the creator of Master the Court, the program that will teach you how to read tarot court cards for yourself or others with clarity and accuracy every time. The techniques she and her guests share are sure to take your tarot reading skills, and your confidence, to the next level, so you can read for yourself and others with ease! Hit subscribe now and get ready to become the best tarot reader you know.
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  • Religion & Spirituality
  • Arts
  • Education
48 épisodes
20 jours

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