Logo of the podcast Curse of Politics: The Herle Burly Political Panel

Curse of Politics: The Herle Burly Political Panel

Air Quotes Media

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Politics. It’s a blessing and a curse. On good days, it’s about your friends in the foxhole with you. On bad ones, it’s the mountain of votes that went the other way. Either way, it pulls you back in, again, and again, and a f**king again. Like I said: A. Goddamn. Curse. Air Quotes Media brings you, "Curse of Politics: The Herle Burly Political Panel" podcast you secretly hate to love — but love anyway — for unfiltered, unscripted, unmuzzled insights delivered with lots of laughs from the backroom campaign operatives who were in the room for the meeting after the meeting. And for even more provoking one-on-one interviews that get beyond the talking points and explore the big ideas changing politics, culture and the world, stay subscribed to The Herle Burly: a commotion of insights, arguments, opinions, and an impossibly loud laugh or two. For The Herle Burly interview show … and now ... Curse of Politics political panel ... join us Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or at Please take a moment to give us a rating and review on your favourite podcast app.

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216 épisodes
6 jours

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