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Our program aims to bring people of varying academic knowledge closer together in an environment that caters to both the advanced student and anyone who wants to learn about how music works, the story of its origin, and its development and impact through time. Every episode builds upon the previous installment, providing the listener with theoretical knowledge that can be used to analyze the events, musicians and works we discuss. Listeners are strongly encouraged to join in the discussion on our comments page. The formation of a community of people who seek to elevate musical discourse is our primary goal. Bret Williams is the host, founder, and co-producer of The Music History Podcast and Classical Guitar Insider. He holds a Master of Music degree, has recorded three albums featuring original compositions, and has taught music in both public and private schools for 20 years. He currently lives in New York City. David Steinhardt recently graduated with honors from USC Thornton School of Music and is continuing studies in Scotland. He is the winner of 10 guitar competitions. David is the co-producer and audio engineer of The Music History Podcast. He is also the host and producer of The Tonebase Classical Guitar Podcast.
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  • Music
  • Arts
3 épisodes
4 jours

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