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Across the world, from Europe to Asia, the Americas to the Middle East, tensions are rising between nation states. Traditional alliances and alignments are constantly evolving in the 21st century. An understanding of defence and security policy and the tides of political, social and economic changes is crucial for any informed understanding of our world.

2024 sees war in Europe and Israel, and elections in major economies, including the US, the UK, Taiwan, South Africa, and many others. Insurgencies flare in Yemen and Burma, tensions escalate in East Africa, and all around the world the international security architecture buckles under increasing pressure. 

With expert and experienced reporting on the ground from across the globe, Battle Lines combines on the ground reporting with analytical expertise to aid listeners to better understand the course of world politics and wars as the fault lines of global history grind and slip in an increasingly dangerous, and confusing, multipolar world. 

Battle Lines is the best of The Telegraph’s defence, security, and foreign reporting in one place.

Telegraph subscribers get early access to bonus episodes on Ukraine: The Latest and Battle Lines. You can subscribe within The Telegraph app, or tap on ‘Already a subscriber’ at the top of this page to log in to link your existing subscription, for more information head to

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94 épisodes
5 jours

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