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Welcome to FluentlyForward (Fluently Forward) the podcast hosted by Shannon McNamara where we dive into the world of celebrity gossip, blind items, and fun theories. If you're looking for juicy details and inside information on your favorite stars and the scandals they're involved in, then you're in the right place! Each episode, we'll be discussing the latest trending topics in the entertainment industry, from celebrity breakups and makeups to the latest news. But we won't just be regurgitating the same old stories you've heard before - we'll be bringing you speculation, insider information and exclusive details that you won't find anywhere else. We'll also be delving into the world of blind items - those tantalizing pieces of gossip that don't come with any names attached. We'll be using our expert sleuthing skills to try and uncover the identities of the celebrities involved, and we'll be discussing the implications of the rumors and how they might affect the stars in question. And of course, we'll be exploring some of the most intriguing theories that have emerged in the entertainment industry. From secret celebrity societies to hidden messages in music videos, we'll be exploring the wild and wacky world of celebrity theories and trying to separate fact from fiction. But most importantly, we'll be bringing you all of this information in a fun and entertaining way. We'll be sharing our opinions and analysis, and we'll be inviting guests onto the show to share their own insights and stories. So whether you're a die-hard fan of celebrity gossip or just someone who's curious about the world of entertainment, FluentlyForward is the podcast for you!
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199 épisodes
6 jours

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