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Dive deep into the vibrant world of sewing with the award-winning Stitch Please podcast, an official show of Black Women Stitch – the sewing group where Black lives matter. Uniquely crafted for those who love sewing, this sewing podcast is a gem that centers around Black women, girls, and femmes, weaving threads of creativity, technique, and passion with every episode.
Hosted by Lisa Woolfork, a 6th generation sewing enthusiast, this podcast not only mirrors her ardor for the craft but also her roles as an artist, activist, and academic. Specializing in African American literature and culture, Lisa seamlessly stitches together her varied backgrounds to produce episodes that are both informative and engaging. You'll be immersed in lively interviews that are enriched by her expertise, presenting a fresh perspective that few other podcasts in the sewing community can offer.
As an artist, Lisa Woolfork brings a unique eye for detail and aesthetics, offering listeners the chance to envision sewing in new, vibrant ways. As an activist, she ensures that the podcast sewing narratives and discussions are rooted in liberation, particularly emphasizing the significance of Black lives. Her academic background adds another layer of depth to the podcast, allowing listeners to delve into the rich tapestry of African American literature and culture, shedding light on how these narratives can influence and inspire one's sewing journey.
Each week, listeners of the Stitch Please podcast can look forward to insightful discussions that celebrate Black creativity in sewing and quilting. Moreover, as a bonus, this sewing podcast shares invaluable tips and techniques, making it a must-listen for both beginners and seasoned sewists alike.
Join us as we thread the needle of history, art, and activism with the love of sewing, creating a tapestry of stories and tips that resonate with every stitch. If you cherish the world of sewing, quilting, and the rich narratives of Black creativity, the Stitch Please podcast is your ideal companion. Tune in weekly. This sewing podcast will “help you get your stitch together.”
- Leisure
- Leisure
- Arts
278 épisodes
7 jours
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