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Walk-In Talk Podcast (Carl Fiadini)

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We are a Food Podcast. We are blessed to have been ranking on Apple Podcast Charts since November of 2022 in the Food Category and have been the #1 podcast spot in the United States for more than a year!  Along with the podcast comes amazing food photography by John Hernandez from Ibis Images. 

Powered by our partnership with brands like RAK Porcelain USA, Metro Shelving and many other amazing companies - Walk-In Talk Podcast, hosted by Carl Fiadini and team, combines culinary expertise and experiences to provide an insightful and engaging exploration of the food industry. 

Our podcast is a must-listen for food industry enthusiasts, as we provide unique insights into everything from recipes to how Chefs are navigating high inflation while also discussing the importance of mental health in the industry. 

Walk-In Talk Podcast offers a behind-the-scenes look at the food industry. Our show provides a fun and entertaining vibe to our podcast. 

Don't miss out on upcoming episodes where we will continue to cook up thought-provoking discussions on important industry-related topics - so come uncover restaurant mayhem with us! 

Check out our website for more food industry-related content, including:

Restaurant Recipes
Cocktail recipes
Walk-In Talk interviews
The Restaurant Life Magazine

Best beef in the business!

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  • Arts
  • Society & Culture
  • Arts


137 episodes
6 days

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