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This Doesn’t Count As Therapy (Carlissa)

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Welcome to This Doesn’t Count As Therapy, a podcast dedicated to making mental health and personal growth accessible to everyone. Join us as we explore the complexities of trauma, the nervous system, and other critical aspects of well-being. Our goal is to provide you with practical insights and strategies for healing and growth, empowering you to navigate your journey with confidence and clarity. 


I'm Carlissa, a licensed resident in counseling (which means i'm collecting hours to become a licensed mental health therapist). I am passionate about mental health and I wanted to create a platform that promotes growth and healing.

This platform is based on the belief that we can all grow but sometimes it just takes a little encouragement (it's hard work).

Although, 'this doesn't count as therapy', I encourage you to listen with an open mind and bring your whole self along for the journey.

Love & Light,



This is not a substitute for therapy and should not be used as a replacement for the therapeutic relationship, individualized mental health or medical care. Please seek professional guidance. 
We hold no liability for any medical advice given in this space. Please speak to your medical provider.

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  • Education
  • Health & Fitness
  • Society & Culture


13 episodes
31 days
Episodes published by month in

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