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The Torch: The Great Courses Podcast (The Great Courses)

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The Great Courses brings engaging professors from the best universities to lifelong learners on audio and video. We create a "university of the best," working closely with our customers to design each Great Course. With this podcast hosted by Ed Leon, you'll meet our fascinating professors and experts who create The Great Courses, listen to their stories and insights, and learn more about the great work they are doing. Discover scientists explaining the latest findings from the fields of astronomy, particle physics, or neuroscience; historians exploring the implications of the latest archaeological findings; medical experts making sense of current health alerts or medical breakthroughs; and literature professors bringing fresh insights to classic literary works. This podcast is available in audio-only format. More information about our courses can be found at
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  • Education
  • Education
  • Technology


70 episodes
23 days
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