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The Bone Coach Osteoporosis & Bone Health Podcast (Kevin Ellis)

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The Bone Coach Osteoporosis & Bone Health Podcast is dedicated to helping you understand all things related to diet, lifestyle, bone health, and how you can live and thrive with low bone density, osteopenia, and osteoporosis. Podcast host, Kevin Ellis, is a Forbes-featured Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Health & Wellness Speaker, founder of, and has helped people in over 1500+ cities around the world get confident in their stronger bones plan. Kevin was diagnosed with osteoporosis in his early 30’s and has since worked to help his Bone Coach clients and community members get the conditions right in their bodies to build stronger bones. Through research, expert interviews, tips from his own stronger bones coaching programs, and through answering questions from our Bone Coach Community, you'll learn why this is a "must listen" if you're just getting started on your bone health journey. Hit “subscribe” to be notified of each new episode.

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  • Health & Fitness
  • Health & Fitness
  • Health & Fitness


131 episodes
15 days
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