Logo of the podcast Tales From the Fiber Side: Epic Fiber stories from history and myth

Tales From the Fiber Side: Epic Fiber stories from history and myth (Suzy Brown)

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Arlene Thayer and Suzy Brown bring you a monthly episode of fiber stories! In each episode we dive down a story filled fibery rabbithole to bring you tales from the the past about fiber heroes, villains, mythical characters, and events that helped shape the fiber world as we know it.  We obsessively bring up the fibery past to inspire you with lore and legends, real and mythical, that bring to life the inner lives of spinners, weavers, tapestry makers, and yarn making. This is the other side of fiber, a world in which pirates and privateers smuggle wool across the English channel, where womanly wartime spies knit secrets into garments and send vital information to their allies in their knitwear, where mythical beings monitor your spinning efforts throughout the year and bring judgement on your productivity, and also, well, we will have some fun chatting fluff and fiber!

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  • Leisure
  • Leisure
  • Arts


9 episodes
186 days
Episodes published by month in

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