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Stage Combat The Podcast (Haywood Productions, LLC )

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What happens when actors stop being quiet and start speaking up:  Season 3 of "Stage Combat The Podcast"!   Stage Combat is about fighting back when we are mistreated in our workplaces, no matter what stage we may be on in our lives!  Hosted by attorney/advocate/actor Sean Hayden.

In 2019, Sean Hayden thought he had booked the role of his dreams as an actor at the prestigious Goodspeed Opera House in its production of "Billy Elliot, The Musical."  As he drove over the Connecticut river and laid his eyes on the fairy tale Opera House for the first time, Sean had no idea what would be looming behind its doors.   Or that a mental health crisis caused by his work conditions would cause him to investigate and reexamine his entire life. In the style of a true crime podcast, Sean boldly took us, in Seasons 1 and 2, into the insular world of the theatre industry in which the unspoken rule is, “You are not supposed to speak up. Or there will be consequences.”   And he claimed his story. 

In response to Sean's story, listeners of the podcast everywhere responded saying they felt seen, heard and validated.  And now in Season 3, Sean is telling the stories of those listeners as they claim THEIR stories.

Biweekly episodes. 

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  • Arts
  • Health & Fitness
  • Education


47 episodes
14 days
Episodes published by month in

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