Logo of the podcast Otis Jiry’s Nightmare Fuel

Otis Jiry’s Nightmare Fuel (Librisonic Media LLC)

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Gather around the crackling campfire at Camp Duskwood, nestled by the tranquil yet eerie shores of Twilight Lake, and join host and narrator Otis Jiry for tales that will haunt your dreams and chill your soul. With his rich, captivating voice, Otis spins spine-tingling yarns under the starry night sky, blending dark humor, atmospheric storytelling, and plenty of scares. Each week, Otis welcomes a new group of brave campers to share ghostly encounters, sinister legends, and hair-raising horrors. Whether it’s cursed bargains, haunted highways, or shadows that whisper in the dark, these stories will have you looking over your shoulder long after the fire dies down. If you’re drawn to the macabre and the mysterious, Otis Jiry's Nightmare Fuel is your ticket to a world where the shadows hold secrets and the night never truly ends. Dare to pull your blanket close and listen—because the scariest stories are the ones that feel like they just might be true.
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11 episodes
4 days
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