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Mile High (Meet Cute)

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Meet Cute Presents: Mile High. When an afternoon flight to Las Vegas starts to plummet, two strangers (Brynn and James) decide to spend their final moments joining the exclusive Mile High Club only to find, when the plane doesn’t crash, that Brynn is getting married. By a twist of fate, they meet up again at Brynn’s bachelorette party and connect enough to make Brynn realize that taking a chance on a sexy stranger is better than settling for Mr. Wrong.

Story by Olivia Cuartero-Briggs. Produced and Directed by Jake DeNicola & Hil Steadman. Sound Engineer and Mixing by John DeNicola. Original Music by John DeNicola. Sound Design by Pierre-André Rigoll. Starring: Vincent Jessel, Chris Okawa, Kierna Conner, Debra DeNicola, Charlie Nishimura, Alexandra Barnhart, Steve Seltzer, Becca Kauffman, Matt Lazarus.

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  • Fiction


4 episodes
5 days
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