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Making Math Moments That Matter (Kyle Pearce & Jon Orr)

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Helping you transform your K-12 math lesson plans by building confidence in effective teaching practices, guiding you to transform your math curriculum, and inspiring classroom strategies to engage all students. 

As a teacher are you wondering how to create K-12 math lesson plans where students don't want to stop exploring your math curriculum when the bell rings? 

As a mathematics coordinator or leader are you wondering how to support teachers when implementing engaging math lessons that fuel student sense making?

Over the last 19 years, Kyle and Jon, the founders of have been engaging students, teachers, and district program leaders with effective mathematics pedagogy, accessible resources, and inspiring learning environments in K-12 math classrooms. 

Now, in this podcast they coach you - K-12 classroom teachers and district leaders of mathematics  through a 6 step plan that cultivates and fosters your mathematics program like a strong, healthy and balanced tree.

If you master the 6 parts of an effective mathematics program, the impact you have on students or teachers will grow and reach far and wide.

Every week, you’ll hear insight from practicing classroom teachers and leaders in math education so you’ll get the feedback, guidance, and fresh ideas you need to stop feeling overwhelmed, gain back your confidence, and inspire the students and fellow teachers you serve to enjoy the beauty of mathematics once again. 

Start making math moments today by listening to Episode #139: Making Math Moments From Day 1 to 180

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  • Education
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  • Education


340 episodes
7 days
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