Logo of the podcast LOVE CLASSIFIED with Aliia Roza

LOVE CLASSIFIED with Aliia Roza (Aliia Roza)

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Welcome to the  "Love Classified”  where former secret Sexpionage agent, Aliia Roza,  shares seduction and sex techniques that helped her survive deadly missions, learned at the highly secretive Conspiracy Intelligence Academy which she dapted them for everyday women to empower themselves, boost self-confidence, and enhance their self-esteem. These techniques are designed to help women confidently navigate dates, communicate effectively, and assertively pursue their desires. By mastering the art of communication, women can achieve success in both their personal and professional lives, fostering healthy relationships and flourishing in business ventures.

If you have any questions or you would like to share your love story please email to
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  • Education
  • Education
  • Health & Fitness


5 episodes
36 days
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