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Lord of the Rings Lorecast (Robots Radio)

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From The Silmarillion to the Hobbit to The Rings of Power and The Lord of the Rings. From the creation of the world to what happened after the destruction of the One Ring, this podcast explains all of the lore, characters, history, and mythology of J.R.R. Tolkien's amazingly deep and complex world one topic at a time.

It's like the best college course you could ever take with a professor who loves Middle Earth and adds in some mind-blowing concepts along the way. Whether you're new to the fandom or someone interested in brushing up on the details and expanding your perspective, this is the perfect Tolkien podcast for you.

This is part of the Robots Radio network and is brought to you by the host of other hit lore shows including the Fallout Lorecast, Elder Scrolls Lorecast, Witcher Lorecast, and Cyberpunk Lorecast. For business inquiries or advertising please contact This podcast is supported by our patrons at

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147 episodes
7 days

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