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LFG Energy Podcast (Arjun Dhingra)

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Welcome to the LFG Energy podcast. My name is Arjun Dhingra. I am a two-time Taekwondo world champion and the former Team USA co-head coach. I am also a 23-year mortgage veteran of the industry, but regardless of whatever hat I'm wearing, I love influencing change in people, taking them from one place to another. This podcast is about the stories and lessons of those who have had their backs against the wall and have ultimately overcome. Former Olympians, world champions, coaches, entrepreneurs, and incredible human beings will share their experiences of resilience, beating the odds and winning in spite of adversity. So that you too can learn to start doing the same in your life. Thanks in advance for checking out episodes. I hope you enjoy it and let's get to the show.
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26 episodes
8 days
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