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Kitchen Prescription with Kelsey Nixon (The 8 Side)

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In this cooking meets kitchen organization podcast Kelsey Nixon will help you get dinner on the table each week and discuss organizing, outfitting, and optimizing your kitchen for easy weeknight cooking. It's the podcast you listen to when you don’t know what to make for dinner!

In each weekly episode Kelsey will share 3 super simple weeknight dinner recipes that are quick and loved by everyone at the table. Think sheet pan dinners, one pot meals, recipes that work for both parents AND picky eaters, and ideas that incorporate supermarket shortcut ingredients…like rotisserie chicken. In addition to recipes, Kelsey will cover time-saving kitchen organization tips that help you set up systems for success along with the tools and equipment you need to execute recipes in as few steps, ingredients, and dirty dishes as possible.

Simply put, this podcast will help you get dinner on the table and solve your weeknight dinner woes! 

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114 episodes
10 days
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