Josie's Lonely Hearts Club (Rachel Music, Maximilian Clark, and Good Story Guild)
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Josie’s Lonely Hearts Club is a semi-scripted audio drama set in New Mexico’s 2nd-best relationship call-in show.
On-air, Josie mends the broken hearts of a weekly collection of hilarious improvisers. Off-air, listeners eavesdrop on Josie’s secret identity: shy, unassuming Joanne Holtzinger. Join Joanne and her puckish producer Frank as they navigate the pitfalls of love and fame as their show slowly becomes a national sensation.
Josie’s Lonely Hearts Club was created by Maximilian Clark (Superhuman Public Radio) and Rachel Music. Our story editor is Aliza Brugger. This podcast is brought to you by the Good Story Guild . Keep track of us at and stay cozy, cuties.
- Fiction
- Comedy
42 episodes
8 days
Episodes published by month in
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