Logo of the podcast Flusterclux With Lynn Lyons: For Parents Who Worry

Flusterclux With Lynn Lyons: For Parents Who Worry (Lynn Lyons LICSW, Robin Hutson)

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Parenting isn't easy, and it's normal to worry. Lynn Lyons, therapist, author, and speaker is one of the world's experts on helping parents, kids, and teens manage anxiety. She talks with co-host and sister-in-law Robin Hutson in a weekly podcast full of laughs, and practical advice without the psychobabble. At the beginning of the pandemic, Lynn and Robin started the Flusterclux podcast when their parenting retreats went on hiatus, and they're now 2 years in, talking about anxiety and worry, their love for Mr. Rogers, and the crazy things the mental health field gets WRONG about anxiety. Anxiety Expert Lynn Lyons has been a therapist for over 30 years. She's an author of 3 books with a new one coming out in October and has traveled around the US and Canada training hundreds of audiences teachers, school nurses, counselors and parents about managing anxiety. Flusterclux represents that feeling of overwhelm. Each episode is filled with practical advice for parents how to better manage their worry and big feelings like anger and sadness so that they are modeling healthy emotional awareness. Lynn answers listener questions and gives parents concrete strategies for developing the traits that are their kids' best defenses against anxiety and depression later in life: flexibility, resilience, autonomy, and problem solving. New episodes every Friday at 5AM EST. Find us at
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  • Kids & Family
  • Health & Fitness
  • Education


258 episodes
7 days
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