Logo of the podcast Dog Talk ® (and Kitties Too!)

Dog Talk ® (and Kitties Too!) (Tracie Hotchner)

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DOG TALK® (and Kitties, Too!) originated on the only NPR station on Long Island, WLIW-88.3, where it has been on the air for 13 years and numerous consecutive shows.  This Gracie® Award-winning show (for “Best entertainment and information program on local public radio”), is produced and hosted by pet wellness advocate Tracie Hotchner. Each show features Tracie’s interviews with authors and pet experts from around the world, discussing far-ranging topics involving practical and philosophical issues regarding our relationships with dogs and cats.The show broadcasts from the East End and reaches all across Long Island, into Southern Connecticut and Westchester.The show's theme song is "Mmm My Best Friend" by Sophie B. Hawkins from her album TIMBRE.Podcast also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon podcasts, and Audible.

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782 episodes
5 days
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