Logo of the podcast Coffee Break Gaelic - learn Scottish Gaelic on your Coffee Break

Coffee Break Gaelic - learn Scottish Gaelic on your Coffee Break (Coffee Break Languages)

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Learn Scottish Gaelic with teacher Susanna and her student Mark. Each lesson is like going for a coffee with your friend who happens to speak Scottish Gaelic and is helping you learn in a relaxed, enjoyable way.

Coffee Break Gaelic is not a simple series of "listen and repeat" audio programmes: in each lesson Susanna explains how the language works, helping Mark - and you - to manipulate the language and use it in practical situations. As a learner Mark asks questions, and makes mistakes, so through Susanna's explanations, corrections and pronunciation tips you'll build your confidence and begin to understand and speak the language.

In the same time it takes you to sit down and enjoy a coffee in your favourite coffee shop, you can make progress with your Gaelic. Our 15-20 minute lessons are perfect to keep you focused and let you develop your confidence in regular sessions.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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42 episodes
16 days
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