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All on the Table with Katie Lee Biegel (Dear Media)

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Food is the great connector and a universal commonality. Get to know Katie’s guests through their experiences with food, favorite things they like to cook, childhood memories, and daily routines. 

Katie Lee Biegel is the Emmy-nominated co-host of Food Network’s The Kitchen, now in its 37th season with over 500 episodes to date. Katie is an avid writer, the author of four best-selling cookbooks, It’s Not Complicated, Endless Summer, Everyday Occasions, and The Comfort Table, and also the novel Groundswell, which became a Hallmark movie that she executive produced and starred in. Her next Hallmark film is currently in development. Katie is the co-founder of Kind of Wild Wines, an organic, zero sugar wine with grape varietals sourced from all over the world. She is a longtime Revlon spokesperson and a board member for the Food Bank for New York City.

Katie splits her time between New York City and the Hamptons with her husband, Ryan, daughter, Iris, and their rescue dog, Gus. In her free time, she loves traveling, reading, and watching bingeable tv.

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26 episodes
7 days

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