Podcast Hosting Service Statistics | Insights & Data
Explore comprehensive statistics on podcast hosting services with our detailed analysis. Get valuable insights into the podcasting landscape and make informed decisions about podcast hosting.
Data from 18 Jan 2025
General data
Hosting identified: 143 services
Shows repartition
Average: 921 shows
Median: 62 shows
90th percentil: 1702 shows
Hosting with most shows
Rank | Logo | Hosting name | # Shows |
1 | Spotify for Podcasters | 38400 | |
2 | Buzzsprout | 11620 | |
3 | Libsyn | 9160 | |
4 | Acast | 7964 | |
5 | Podbean | 7232 | |
6 | Megaphone | 7140 | |
7 | Spreaker | 4553 | |
8 | Ausha | 4442 | |
9 | Podigee | 4053 | |
10 | Simplecast | 3979 |
Shows by country for Acast
Rank | Country | Country | # Shows |
1 | 🇫🇷 | France | 1275 |
2 | 🇬🇧 | Great Britain | 1112 |
3 | 🇨🇦 | Canada | 675 |
4 | 🇩🇪 | Germany | 621 |
5 | 🇺🇸 | USA | 482 |
In-Depth Analysis of Podcast Hosting Services
Our detailed statistics on podcast hosting services offer a clear picture of how shows are distributed across different platforms. By examining average show counts, media statistics, and distribution by country, you can understand the preferences and performance of various hosting services. Whether you're a podcaster seeking the right hosting provider or a researcher analyzing industry trends, this page provides essential data for navigating the podcasting ecosystem.
For further exploration, view detailed statistics on individual hosting services and discover more about podcast distribution across countries.
For further exploration, view detailed statistics on individual hosting services and discover more about podcast distribution across countries.